Published: 1986-09-30

On Carathéodory type selectors in a Hilbert space

Anna Kucia , Andrzej Nowak


In this paper we consider a set-valued function of two variables, measurable in the first and continuous in the second variable. Using metric projections we construct for this function a family of selectors which are Carathéodory maps. The existence of Carathéodory selectors was studied by Castaing [2], [3], Cellina [4], Fryszkowski [9] and the first author [11].

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Kucia, A., & Nowak, A. (1986). On Carathéodory type selectors in a Hilbert space. Annales Mathematicae Silesianae, 2, 47–52. Retrieved from

Domyślna okładka

Vol. 2 (1986)
Published: 1986-09-30

ISSN: 0860-2107
eISSN: 2391-4238
Ikona DOI 10.1515/amsil

University of Silesia Press

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