Published: 2018-12-06

D-homothetically deformed Kenmotsu metric as a Ricci soliton

D.L. Kiran Kumar , H.G. Nagaraja , K. Venu


In this paper we study the nature of Ricci solitons in D-homothetically deformed Kenmotsu manifolds. We prove that η-Einstein Kenmotsu metric as a Ricci soliton remains η-Einstein under D-homothetic deformation and the scalar curvature remains constant.

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Kiran Kumar, D., Nagaraja, H., & Venu, K. (2018). D-homothetically deformed Kenmotsu metric as a Ricci soliton. Annales Mathematicae Silesianae, 33, 143–152. Retrieved from
Domyślna okładka

Vol. 33 (2019)
Published: 2019-07-18

ISSN: 0860-2107
eISSN: 2391-4238
Ikona DOI 10.1515/amsil

University of Silesia Press

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