On variational approach to economic equilibrium — type problem


The paper deals with an optimization problem in which minima of a finite collection of objective functions satisfy some unilateral constraints and are linked together by a certain subdifferential law. The governing relations are variational inequalities defined on a nonconvex feasible set. By reducing the problem to a variational inequality involving nonmonotone multivalued mapping defined over a nonnegative orthant, the existence of solutions is established under the assumption that constrained functions are positive homogeneous of degree at most one.


variational inequality; duality; Walrasian equilibrium

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Published : 2006-09-29

NaniewiczZ., & NockowskaM. (2006). On variational approach to economic equilibrium — type problem. Annales Mathematicae Silesianae, 20, 57-71. Retrieved from https://journals.us.edu.pl/index.php/AMSIL/article/view/14068

Zdzisław Naniewicz  naniewicz@uksw.edu.pl
Instytut Fizyki, Wydział Matematyczno-Przyrodniczy, Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie  Poland
Magdalena Nockowska 
Centrum Nauczania Matematyki i Fizyki oraz Instytut Matematyki, Politechnika Łódzka  Poland

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