Published: 2005-09-30

Remark on invariant straight lines of some affine transformations in ℝ^n without fixed points

Erwin Kasparek


In this note we show that every affine transformation in the Euclidean space ℝn, which has no fixed points and fulfils the inequality |f(x)f(y)| ≤ |xy| for any x and y has invariant straight line.

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Kasparek, E. (2005). Remark on invariant straight lines of some affine transformations in ℝ^n without fixed points. Annales Mathematicae Silesianae, 19, 19–21. Retrieved from

Domyślna okładka

Vol. 19 (2005)
Published: 2005-09-30

ISSN: 0860-2107
eISSN: 2391-4238
Ikona DOI 10.1515/amsil

University of Silesia Press

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