Published: 1999-09-30

On regular multivalued cosine families

Andrzej Smajdor


Let K be a convex cone in a real normed space X. A one-parameter family {Ft : t ≥ 0} of set-valued functions Ft :Kn(K), where n(K) := {D : DK, D ≠ ⌀}, is called cosine iff Ft+s + Ft-s = 2FtFs, whenever 0 ≤ st and F0 is the identity map. A cosine family {Ft : t > 0} is regular iff limt→0+Ft(x) = {x} for every x.
The growth and the continuity of regular cosine families are investigated.

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Citation rules

Smajdor, A. (1999). On regular multivalued cosine families. Annales Mathematicae Silesianae, 13, 271–280. Retrieved from

Domyślna okładka

Vol. 13 (1999)
Published: 1999-09-30

ISSN: 0860-2107
eISSN: 2391-4238
Ikona DOI 10.1515/amsil

University of Silesia Press

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