"We are sliding into uncharted territory, and we are alone in this.” A New Look At Political Disorientation


For million of citizens, the experience of voting is now similar to the one of advancing through uncharted territory. The article looks at the origins of this feeling, tracing the history of political disorientation in the US and comparing it to the one of other industrial democracies.


Voting; Disorientation; Parties; Leadership; Mass media

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Published : 2018-12-30

TonelloF. (2018). "We are sliding into uncharted territory, and we are alone in this.” A New Look At Political Disorientation. Review of International American Studies, 11(2). Retrieved from https://journals.us.edu.pl/index.php/RIAS/article/view/6416

Fabrizio Tonello  fabrizio.tonello3@gmail.com
University of Padua  Italy
Associate Professor, Department of Political Science

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