Emmanuel Macron's 2017 and 2022 Presidential Campaigns: Selected Aspects

Paulina Pruchnicka


The aim of this article is to analyse Emmanuel Macron's 2017 and 2022 election campaigns. The first part of the article focuses on Macron's 2017 campaign, taking into account elements specific to election campaigns, such as election slogans, social media activity, the electoral programme, television debates, and describes the main themes of the election campaign, along with a discussion of the results of the first and second rounds of the election. An analogous analysis is then presented in relation to the 2022 election campaign. The issue of the war in Ukraine and its role for the campaign taking place at the same time is highlighted. The paper concludes by considering the differences noted in the two campaigns run by the leader of the En Marche!/ Renaissance.


France; Emmanuel Macron; election campaign; presidential election

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Published : 2023-08-17

PruchnickaP. (2023). Emmanuel Macron’s 2017 and 2022 Presidential Campaigns: Selected Aspects. Political Preferences, 31(1), 31-46. https://doi.org/10.31261/polpre.2023.1.31-46

Paulina Pruchnicka  paulinadg2000@gmail.com
University of Silesia in Katowice  Poland

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