Zachowania wyborcze obywateli w 2010 roku


Electoral behavior of citizens in 2010

The article presents the analysis of the socio-political context of the carried out project. It draws attention to the events of 2010 that have dynamised the political space, in particular, the Smolensk disaster of April 10, which changed the nature of political competition, not only by accelerating the date of the presidential elections, but mainly by depriving some of the par- ties of the natural candidates in the upcoming elections and leading politicians. This has left its mark on the presidential, but equally on the local elections.

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Published : 2011-01-01

Turska-KawaA., & WojtasikW. (2011). Zachowania wyborcze obywateli w 2010 roku. Political Preferences, (2). Retrieved from

Agnieszka Turska-Kawa
Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach  Poland
Waldemar Wojtasik 
Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach  Poland

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