Stosunek Polaków do wydarzeń posmoleńskich w perspektywie deklarowanych preferencji politycznych


The attitude of the Poles towards the events taking place after the Smoleńsk plane crash in view of declared political preferences

The plane crash in Smolensk on April 10th 2010, which entailed the death of 96 represen- tatives flying to commemorate the victims of Katyń, brought the spectre of deep mourning to the whole country. The death of so many people from political, cultural and military environ- ments triggered unexpected reserves of social solidarity. The article is an attempt to present reality after the Smolensk plane crash. Its aim is to verify a thesis that the plane crash was used for political purposes. The analysis of the research material is going to determine to what extent political preferences are a factor influencing the views of the people surveyed concerning the decision to transfer the memorial cross planted outside the presidential palace in Warsaw as well as to bury the presidential couple in Wawel cathedral in Kraków. The issues raised in the article are going to be examined in three areas: the presidential election, the parliamentary election, the regional election.

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Published : 2011-01-01

JarugaK., & Krawczyk Żaneta. (2011). Stosunek Polaków do wydarzeń posmoleńskich w perspektywie deklarowanych preferencji politycznych. Political Preferences, (2). Retrieved from

Kinga Jaruga
Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach  Poland
Żaneta Krawczyk 
Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach  Poland

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