Opinie w sprawie zmian w polskim systemie politycznym


The opinions on changes in the Polish political system

In Poland, after 27 years of democracy, a discussion about changes in political system have been started. The public opinion researches shows not only lack of trust to the political institutions but also negative feelings towards most of them. The goal of the article is to analyse the preferences of each electorate in presidential and parliament elections in 2015 about two ideas: extending Presidential power and decreasing the number of Parliaments Members. Supporting the idea of increasing President’s rights are Andrzej Duda and Paweł Kukiz voters in presidential election, Law and Justice, Kukiz’15 committee and also small electoral committees electorate, people who don’t participate in the elections and also people declaring right wing political views. In all researches supporters of the idea to decrease number of Parliament Members are prevailing. The biggest support for it can be found among Paweł Kukiz followers in the first term presidential election and also in electoral committee Kukiz’15 in parliament election. They can also be found in those political parties and committees followers, which received small number of votes in the election and in people who didn’t take part in presidential and parliament election.


Key words:

presidential elections in 2015, parliamentary elections in 201, the constitutional powers of the president, reducing the number of deputies

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Published : 2016-10-01

AlberskiR. (2016). Opinie w sprawie zmian w polskim systemie politycznym. Political Preferences, (12). Retrieved from https://journals.us.edu.pl/index.php/PP/article/view/4742

Robert Paweł Alberski  robert.alberski@gmail.com
Uniwersytet Wrocławski Wydział Nauk Społecznych Instytut Politologii  Poland

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