Wolność polityczna i własność prywatna jako wartości liberalne trwale zakorzenione w świadomości Polaków


Political liberty and private property as a liberal values permanently rooted in the awareness Poles

The liberalism as doctrine was never deep-rooted in the political sphere in Poland. It wasn't possible on account of historical conditioning, but also the tradition constituting the crucial element of the political culture. Hence in principle to the turn of years 80. and 90. Of the 20th century in Poland political groups identifying themselves with liberal values didn't function. However it doesn't mean that liberal ideas weren't generally speaking current in the social awareness. It will be sufficient because to point to two discussed values, i.e. the freedom and the right to hold the individual property in order to dispel all concerning doubts (enough poorly consolidated institutionally) of liberalism to the society. Of course to mark he belongs, that it isn't regarding the society as a whole, as well as isn't regarding the liberalism in all spheres of the activity of individuals. Because in the economic sphere the freedom is acceptable to a larger extent, than in the cultural sphere.


Key words:

individual freedom, private property, liberalism in Poland, middle class, social awareness

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Published : 2016-10-01

PleckaD., & RutkowskaP. (2016). Wolność polityczna i własność prywatna jako wartości liberalne trwale zakorzenione w świadomości Polaków. Political Preferences, (12). Retrieved from https://journals.us.edu.pl/index.php/PP/article/view/4748

Danuta Plecka  danakar1@wp.pl
Nicolaus Copernicus University of Toruń  Poland
Patrycja Rutkowska 
Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu  Poland

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