Social conflicts in postmodern society. The case of Polish tensions in 21. century.


A conflict is a natural element of society. Such a thesis has been developed for many years by numerous thinkers. Nevertheless, there have been several social phenomena that oblige us to analyse social conflicts deeper and wider in the twenty-first century.

The article tries to analyse new types of conflicts, which however having old roots, at present seem to be essential for individuals and global security. The main thesis to which the paper refers is the one expressed by Zygmunt Bauman that a contemporary society seeks for both freedom and security at the same time and raises the problem whether reaching both of them may be possible simultaneously.

The examples chosen for this paper illustrate that an interdisciplinary approach must be adopted to understand conflicts in a postmodern society. Hence, the questions arise whether the Polish society is a low-conflict or high-conflict one, whether it holds a culture of conflict. Proposed data analysis does not allow answering to such problems, it only gives an illustration to the considerable scope of conflicts in a postmodern society.


Key words:

conflict, postmodern society, postmodernity, cultural relativism 

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Published : 2016-12-01

Adamus-MatuszyńskaA. (2016). Social conflicts in postmodern society. The case of Polish tensions in 21. century. Political Preferences, (13). Retrieved from

Anna Adamus-Matuszyńska
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Katowicach  Poland

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