The migratory crisis in the eyes of the party leaders during the parliamentary campaign in Poland in 2015


The parliamentary elections in Poland, held on 25th October 2015, were, according to many experts and media pundits, influenced by the greatest influx of refugees in the modern history of Europe, the so-called migratory crisis. It acted as a catalyst for numerous pre-election discussions and debates in Poland.

This article aims at analysing the messages of the political leaders in Poland concerning the migratory crisis, whether they were given publicly, while meeting with the electors, or to the media. The subject of the analysis are the messages that can be found in archives or on the internet.


Key words:

parliamentary campaign in Poland 2015, migratory crisis, party leaders

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Published : 2016-12-01

WcisełW. (2016). The migratory crisis in the eyes of the party leaders during the parliamentary campaign in Poland in 2015. Political Preferences, (13). Retrieved from

Wojciech Wciseł
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, Wydział Nauk Społecznych, Instytut Dziennikarstwa i Komunikacji Społecznej KUL  Poland

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