Przekaz polityczny oparty na dowodach. Analiza przykładu kampanii prezydenckiej w Polsce w 2015 roku.


The political message based on the results of the evaluation. The analysis of the example of the presidential campaign in Poland in 2015

The main research problem of this article is whether the political message, that was addressed to voters in the presidential election from 2015, was based on the results of the evaluations or of the socio-economic researches were conducted by the research centers. The political views and slogans, which were presented by the candidates for the President of Poland during the campaign in 2015, were analyzed to answer the main research problem. The theoretical framework of the evaluation and the process of evaluation researches on the example of the managing authority of the operational program were described in the first part of this article. The European experience of utilization the evaluation results by the political class and the analysis of the presidential campaign from 2015 in reference of constructing political arguments with the results of the evaluation were presented in the second part. The author concludes that the results of the evaluation were marginally used during the campaign. The political arguments, that were used by candidates for the President of Poland, were mostly limited to recall simple figures, expert and public opinion, although in some cases the politics referenced to the results of the studies and reports. However, it is impossible to conclude if one of these studies was an evaluation research.


Key words:

evaluation, research results, presidential election, election campaign

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Dagmara Anna Apolinarska-Pres
Uniwersytet Śląski. Wydział Nauk Społecznych  Poland
mgr Dagmara Apolinarska-Pres – absolwentka politologii (spec. samorządowa) na Uniwersytecie Śląskim w Katowicach. Autorka dwóch artykułów o tematyce regionalnej, które ukazały się w piśmie „Szkice o państwie i polityce” wydawanym przez Uniwersytet Śląski. Ponadto wzięła udział w projekcie pt. Zrównoważony rozwój – Debiut naukowy 2011, publikując artykuł pt. „Zrównoważony rozwój w polityce regionalnej na przykładzie województwa śląskiego – analiza wybranych działań”. W 2016 r. wzięła udział w Międzynarodowej Konferencji Naukowej „Obywatel – wzór, model, postawy” wygłaszając referat pt. „Ewaluacja jako narzędzie rozwoju społeczeństwa obywatelskiego”. Obecnie jest pracownikiem samorządowym.

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