Barack Obama’s Rhetorical Management of Public Opinion in the Context of Focusing Events


This article explores President Barack Obama’s management of public opinion regarding his policy towards the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) by analyzing the content of the address delivered on 10 September 2014 concerning the US strategy to defeat ISIL. Set in the context of the Obama administration’s approach to American foreign policy and with particular reference to videos released by ISIL showing the execution of US journalists, James W. Foley and Steven Sotloff, the analysis offers insights into how external events affect presidential attention, agendas, and public opinion management.

Key words:

Barack Obama, ISIL, presidential rhetoric, public opinion, focusing event

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Published : 2018-06-30

RzepeckaM. (2018). Barack Obama’s Rhetorical Management of Public Opinion in the Context of Focusing Events. Political Preferences, (19). Retrieved from

Marta Rzepecka
University of Rzeszów 

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