Published: 2023-04-14

Women in Art Yesterday and Women’s Art Today

Adam Bała , Paulina Poczęta


Art used to be a tool to flaunt power, an ornament in the hands of wealthy elites, a synonym for luxury, and a show of social status. Similarly, women in old art had a clearly defined role — they were a motif, an iconographic reference to the idea of beauty or function (a mother, a saint, or a lover). In earlier eras, only male members of society were allowed to engage in education and creative endeavours. Women were not allowed to study at the academies of fine arts in Poland nearly until the end of World War I, as their ability to take on the great tasks of high art was questioned.

Citation rules

Bała, A., & Poczęta, P. (2023). Women in Art Yesterday and Women’s Art Today. No Limits, (1(7), 18–21. Retrieved from

No. 1(7) (2023)
Published: 2023-04-14

ISSN: 2719-2830
eISSN: 2719-2849

Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach | University of Silesia in Katowice

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