On the Sources of Karol Wojtyła's The Acting Person


The paper shows that the critical analysis of Max Scheler’s and Immanuel Kant’s concepts of moral philosophy was a starting point of Karol Wojtyła’s own positive project of anthropology presented in the book The Acting Person. Its core lies in the recognition of the significance of human efficacy: human persons express and realize their full subjectivity through their actions. Wojtyła shows that genuine human actions are not motivated only by the emotional power with which particular values are given, but rather by the perception of their being true values. In the last analysis, Wojtyła’s theory might be described as transphenomenology, that is, a synthesis of phenomenology and metaphysics. According to him, what is immediately given to the subject can be fully  explained by categories that transcend direct experience. In this way Wojtyła incorporates his vision of anthropology into a broader metaphysics, at the same  time showing that in philosophy one should move from phenomenon to foundation.


ethics; experience; metaphysics; morality; phenomenology; person; value

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Published : 2021-07-23

MereckiJ. (2021). On the Sources of Karol Wojtyła’s The Acting Person. Philosophy and Canon Law, 7(1), 1-15. https://doi.org/10.31261/PaCL.2021.07.1.01

Jarosław Merecki 
Pontifical Lateran Iniversity, Roma  Italy

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