The Idea of Solidarity in the Concept of a Human Being Created in God's Image


Moral theology concerns the morality of society and acts of an individual or a group of individuals that constitute that particular society. Morality teaches us to properly respond to God’s calling, so that we can fulfil our ultimate goal. The Catechism of the Catholic Church, regarded as a compendium of the doctrines of the magisterium of the Church, can also serve as a valuable source for teaching moral theology. In the first section (“Man’s Vocation Life in the Spirit”) of the third part (“Life in Christ”) of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, we can learn that man has been created “in the image and likeness of the Creator” (chap. 1, art. 1), where solidarity plays a significant role. The present paper analyses this issue.


human; God’s image; human dignity; anthropocentrism; solidarity

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Published : 2022-04-18

PetroM. (2022). The Idea of Solidarity in the Concept of a Human Being Created in God’s Image. Philosophy and Canon Law, 8(1), 1-14.

Marek Petro
University of Presov  Slovakia

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