The Concept of Subjectivity in the Light of Józef Tischner’s Thought


Reverend Józef Tischner was undoubtedly one of the most outstanding Polish philosophers of the second half of the twentieth century. What we owe to this student of Roman Ingarden is the flourishing of phenomenology and the philosophy of dialog not only in our domestic philosophical, but also sociological, psychological, and anthropological thought. His philosophy of drama is an original and very important current, which is enriched not only by the “Queen of the Sciences” but also offers great support to the related sciences, particularly sociological sciences. Within them, subjectivity is an extremely important subject of contemplation. This article is a sketch of the analysis of the benefits that a sociologist, researcher of subjectivity, can derive from reading Józef Tischner’s works.


Józef Tischner; person; subjectivity; agency; the agathological horizon; the drama of subjectivity; the metaphor of the face

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Published : 2022-04-13

WieleckiK. (2022). The Concept of Subjectivity in the Light of Józef Tischner’s Thought. Philosophy and Canon Law, 8(1), 1-16.

Krzysztof Wielecki 
Pontifical Academy of Social Science, Roma; University of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński, Warsaw, Poland  Poland

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