Ethics and Solidarity as Hope in the Philosophy of Józef Tischner


 In this paper, the concept of solidarity will be introduced as voluntary cohesion, mutual help and support not only within a loose group, but, above all, within the whole human race. Tischner wants to help contemporary man because he is aware that contemporary man has entered a period of profound crisis of his hope. The reflection on solidarity and hope in the philosophy of Tischner represents a neuralgic point which has its justification in Christian thought. Hope is the prospect of something better which, together with mutual support, removes both fear and isolation, and brings about the development of both the individual and the community. The deepest solidarity is solidarity of conscience. The community of solidarity differs from many other communities precisely because it is “for him” that is fundamental. It is only on this
foundation that the community of “we” grows.


solidarity; hope; human; dialogue; community

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Published : 2022-06-29

DancákP. (2022). Ethics and Solidarity as Hope in the Philosophy of Józef Tischner. Philosophy and Canon Law, 8(1), 1-13.

Pavol Dancák
University of Presov  Slovakia

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