Legal Aspects of the Sacraments at a Distance


The article addresses the problem of the possibility of administering the sacraments of marriage, penance and Eucharist at a distance, that is, using information and communication technologies. Electronic means of communication change not only our understanding of time and space, but also the experience of building a community and contact with other people. The conducted analysis led to the conclusion that taking into account the spiritual good of the faithful, especially those who found themselves in danger of death or as a result of a great distance or due to isolation, they have no access to a priest and the real community of the faithful, as well as the fact that the Holy See did not give an authoritative answer opposing the administration of the sacraments by means of new communication tools, this form should not be excluded from the practice of the Church.


sacraments; power of attorney; media; broadcasting; telecommunications

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Published : 2023-12-29

ŚwitoL. (2023). Legal Aspects of the Sacraments at a Distance. Philosophy and Canon Law, 9(2), 1-9.

Lucjan Świto
University of Wamia and Mazury in Olsztyn  Poland

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