Media and the Regulations of the Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches Current Challenges


Today, we cannot imagine a world without media communication at the service of society. At the same time, we can note the changes that media communication is undergoing. Contemporary media communication is too far removed from the very notion of communico, communicare. The very notion of “to join together, to make something common, to pass on a message, to consult” is gradually disappearing from the media space, as it does in the term communio, that is, “togetherness, communion, a sense of connection.” In our times, the word communicate reminds everyone above all of the transmission of information or, more precisely, of news, regardless of ethical or moral principles. That is why the Church, aware of the importance of media communication, demands the right to regulate their use and, in its regulations, calls on professionals in the production and transmission of information to ensure that the use of these means is imbued with the spirit of Christ.


means of social communication; the media; virtual reality

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Published : 2023-12-29

PopovičJ. (2023). Media and the Regulations of the Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches Current Challenges. Philosophy and Canon Law, 9(2), 1-22.

Jurij Popovič
University of Presov, Greek-Catholic Faculty of Theology, Prešov  Slovakia

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