Eugeniusz Sakowicz


The article highlights issues related to the offense of religious feelings in the context of the main symbol of Christianity: the cross. Feelings in general, including religious feelings, are not imaginary. They play an important role in the lives of both individuals and the community. They motivate a person’s moral choices. There is no religion without feelings. Above all, insulting religious feelings is an offense against religious freedom. A deliberate public insult to a believer’s feelings is a violation of the law. There are several ways to offend religious feelings relating directly to a believer and his or her worship activities as well as sacred places. The most important symbol of Christianity, the cross, is often used by certain circles hostile to religion in general and Christianity in particular, deliberately seeking to offend religious feelings. In this way, it becomes a favored object of offense that is easy to manipulate.


feelings; religious feelings; protection of religious feelings; insult to religious feelings; cross

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Published : 2023-12-22

SakowiczE. (2023). THE CROSS AS A MOTIF OF OFFENSE TO RELIGIOUS FEELINGS (CHRISTIANS). The Pastoral Studies, (19), 29-46. Retrieved from

Eugeniusz Sakowicz 
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego  Poland

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