Building Learning Power and Critical Thinking in the Field of Online Tutoring


This article is first of all a theoretical study covering the whole area of critical thinking. The development of critical thinking should be supported by new information technologies. The text only points to some possibilities of using information technologies in the concept of building learning power and critical thinking.

The development of information technologies gives us new tools and forms to support the teaching/learning processes. Many of the new tools of digital technology pose new teaching challenges for the teacher. However, there appears a question that is not only worth asking, but also worth answering: how to improve the teaching/learning process with the help of the new educational opportunities, so as to strengthen it and not to disturb it at the same time? A tutor-teacher has to search and to find out – in the area of these educational opportunities that belong to him or her and his or her pupils – such optimal solutions that neatly combine both the elements of traditional teaching and the ones that are typical of distance learning. This gives new opportunities for effective online tutoring when the teacher is available online for any of the students at a specific time that is perfectly convenient for each of them.


Guy Claxton; building learning power; online tutoring; critical thinking

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Published : 2019-02-01

ŚlezińskiK. (2019). Building Learning Power and Critical Thinking in the Field of Online Tutoring. International Journal of Research in E-Learning, 5(1), 21-33.

Krzysztof Śleziński
University of Silesia in Katowice  Poland

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