Discussion Paper on More Adequate and Effective IT Tools. Some Previous Results Concerning More Adequate and Effective IT Tools in the Category: Tools for Making Presentations


The article describes some preliminary results of the implementation of Work- Package 4 (WP4) “Selection and testing new IT tools” in the framework of the international research network (IRNet) and researchers from partner institutions from Poland, Slovakia, Ukraine, and Australia. These results concern analysis and study of some categories of IT tools for making multimedia presentation. All the package period has been divided into 5 main stages. The role of multimedia in teaching is considerable as it offers various formats of presenting information simultaneously. The combination of text, audio, images, animation, video, as well as hyperlinks has an advantage of using both of the two main channels – visual and verbal – for presentation in an efficient way. This paper also discusses the features of effective presentation and examples of computer programs which may be used for this purpose. Authors presented a ranking list based on quality and quantity assessment of chosen IT tools and they proposed some characteristics of good presentation as well as they analyzed frequent mistakes made by users elaborating presentations.


international research network IRNet; quality and quantity assessment; IT Tools; presentations

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Published : 2015-02-02

Smyrnova-TrybulskaE., Ogrodzka-MazurE., Szafrańska-GajdzicaA., MorzeN., MakhachashviliR., DrlíkM., CápayM., TomanováJ., ŠvecP., IssaT., IssaT., RomanyukhaM., NakaznyM., & SorokinaL. (2015). Discussion Paper on More Adequate and Effective IT Tools. Some Previous Results Concerning More Adequate and Effective IT Tools in the Category: Tools for Making Presentations. International Journal of Research in E-Learning, 1(1), 77–96. Retrieved from https://journals.us.edu.pl/index.php/IJREL/article/view/8599

Eugenia Smyrnova-Trybulska 
University of Silesia  Poland
Ewa Ogrodzka-Mazur 
Univerity of Silesia  Poland
Anna Szafrańska-Gajdzica 
University of Silesia  Poland
Nataliia Morze 
Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University  Ukraine
Rusudan Makhachashvili 
Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University  Ukraine
Martin Drlík 
Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra  Slovakia
Martin Cápay 
Júlia Tomanová 
Peter Švec 
Tomayess Issa 
Theodora Issa 
Maryna Romanyukha 
Mykoła Nakazny 
Lyudmyla Sorokina 

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