Training for Future Primary School Teachers to Use the Learning Apps Service in Teaching Mathematics


The article investigates the problem of future primary school teachers’ training in using information technology (IT) in teaching mathematics and, in particular, in the aspect of the use of various online resources, online services for teachers, and other pedagogical software. The results of the diagnosis of conditions for future teachers’ training for the introduction of IT at the mathematics lessons in primary school are analysed. The peculiarities of the digital generation of children are determined, and, based on this, the necessity of the introduction of IT in mathematics lessons is substantiated. Finally, the approaches to training for future teachers to create interactive exercises – in particular through the Learning Apps online service – are identified.


information technologies; training for future teachers; online services Learning Apps; interactive exercises

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Published : 2018-03-22

SkvortsovaS., & BritskanT. (2018). Training for Future Primary School Teachers to Use the Learning Apps Service in Teaching Mathematics. International Journal of Research in E-Learning, 4(1), 59–77. Retrieved from

Svetlana Skvortsova 
South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. Ushynskyi  Ukraine
Tetiana Britskan 
Izmail State University of Humanities  Ukraine

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