Women’s Embodied Experiences: Qualitative Tools for a Gender-Conscious Approach to the Territory


The way we experience our cities is not neutral: women and men experience it differently, depending on factors such as where they live, the social group which they belong to, the gender roles assigned, and intersectionality. Urbanismo Mujeres y Ciudad en Latinoamérica is a platform that works with qualitative methodologies with gender and feminist perspective.
This article presents a methodological proposal to answer the central question: How is the urban experience of women in two Latin American cities: Mexico City and Santiago de Chile. As a way of answering it, the following were developed: the Multidimensional Model of Gender-Conscious Urbanism, the My Walk Travel Log, the Immobility Log and the Neighbourhood Satisfaction Survey. These are the tools of the urban analysis methodology proposed in order to understand the experience of women in the above-mentioned territory, including quantitative and qualitative variables, making perception the central element of the analysis.


women; territory; gender; body; perception; cares; qualitative methods

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Published : 2021-12-22

Acoyani Adame Castillo 
Universidad Pontificia Católica de Chile  Mexico
Linda Moreno Sanchez 
Universidad Pontificia Católica de Chile  Mexico
Norma Riveros Monsalve 
Universidad Pontificia Católica de Chile  Chile

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