Editorial Policies

Maintenance of  the independence: the editors evaluate the submitted manuscripts solely on the basis of their scientific value (originality, relevance of research, transparency of content) and their inclusion in the lineage of the journal regardless of the authors' ethnic origin, citizenship, religious beliefs and political philosophy, gender, or sexual orientation. Decisions on the drafting and publication of manuscripts shall not be determined by national policy or external institutions. The Editor-in-Chief shall decide on the entire editorial content of the journal and the date of publication of that content. Section or number  editors decide to reject or accept a manuscript for further work on the basis of an internal review, which is a recommendation to the Editor-in-Chief.

Confidentiality: the editors and members of the journal's editorial team will not disclose any information concerning the text sent to anyone other than the authors themselves, reviewers (including potential ones), publishers, members of the editorial team, editorial office, proofreaders, operators of the computerised directory and other persons involved in preparing the number for publication.

Privacy policy and conflicts of interest: editors and editorial office will not use the unpublished information presented in the submitted manuscript for their own research purposes without the express written consent of the authors. The information and ideas obtained by the editors from reading the text will be treated as confidential and will not be used for anyone's personal benefit. Editors shall withdraw from editorial work on manuscripts where there are conflicts of interest arising from a competition, cooperation or other relationship with any of the authors, companies or institutions associated with the publications. They will ask another member of the editorial office to handle the manuscript.

Decisions concerning the publication of submitted material: the editorial office shall ensure that all submitted manuscripts considered for publication are reviewed by at least two reviewers who are experts in the field. The editor-in-chief is responsible for deciding which of the texts submitted to the journal will be published. It is based on the following criteria: the value of the submitted text for the development of the field and its compliance with the journal's thematic scope, the originality of the submitted text, the linguistic value of the submitted text, the clarity of the argument, compliance with all legal provisions concerning defamation, no infringement of copyright (including plagiarism). The Editor-in-Chief may make this decision in consultation with other editors or reviewers.

Involvement and cooperation in abuse investigations: the editors (in cooperation with the publisher) will take appropriate action if there are ethical concerns about the manuscript sent or the article published. Any reported act of unethical behaviour will be examined, even if it is detected many years after publication. The editors of the journal follow COPE block diagrams giving guidance on how to deal with cases of suspected wrongdoing. If an ethical problem is proven during the investigation, a correction, rectification, withdrawal of the article or other appropriate communication will be published in the journal.

Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022)
Published: 2024-06-21

eISSN: 2720-6122
Logo DOI 10.31261/LC

Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego | University of Silesia Press

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