Russian criminological thought of the 19th century

Michał Arsoba


Michał Arsoba presents the beginning of criminology in Russia in the period before the Revolution of 1905 in terms of a general historical and legal overview. His aim is to locate 19th-century Russian criminological thought in the global context of this discipline and to identify its major achievements within the international context. For this reason, Arsoba highlights three stages of the development of reflection on criminal law. The first stage concerns the views of Aleksander Radiszczew and the first publications on statistical research. The second stage includes the first legal act on prevention and the first criminal code. The third stage focuses on the emergence of the sociological school represented by Michaił Duchowski and Ivan Fojnicki and the anthropological school, represented by Dymitr Dril. Arsoba argues that Russian criminology as a discipline stems mainly from the field of criminal law, acting as its isolated reflection from legal sciences. It has its own
achievements, manifested by the realization of ideas contained in the preventive act and criminal code, as well as making the contribution to the development of the global sociological and anthropological research. Furthermore, it can be said that Russia saw the occurrence of symbolical, ground-breaking moments for the criminological thought globally, aspects of which pioneered in that country.


Russian criminology; the history of criminology; criminological theories

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Published : 2022-06-21

Arsoba, Michał. 2022. “Russian Criminological Thought of the 19th Century”. Forum Polityki Kryminalnej [Forum on Criminal Policy], no. 1(3) (June), 1-17.

Michał Arsoba
University of Wamia and Mazury in Olsztyn (student)  Poland

MICHAŁ ARSOBA - Second-year student of Criminology and Russian Philology, BA level. Passionate about
history and the culture of the East Slavs. Clerk of the Legal Operations department in the Association for the Rule of Law in Education.

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