Distance Learning – the Current Status and Directions for Further Research
The article aims to discuss current research trends in the field of Distance Learning (DL). It consists of the following parts: (1) the definitions and characteristics of DL; (2) current directions of research in the field of DL, among others: measuring transactional distance in Web-Based Learning Environments, Problem-Based Learning (PBL) in DL, development of learning content and the task for MOOCs, effects of online course efficiency perceptions on Student Evaluation of Teaching (SET) measures, new technologies for the DL, the use of metacognitive and affective model Self-Regulated Learning (MASRL), questionnaire (Constructivist Learning on a Scale Higher Settings of Education [CLHES]) as a method of research of constructivist learning environment in higher education, Transactional Distance (TD) theory in DL and online community culture; (3) summary and conclusions with a particular focus on the use of DL methods in higher education. The article is based on the study of literature registered in the databases ERIC, LISA, and LISTA.
Constructivist Learning; Distance Learning; Massive Online Open Courses; Problem-Based Learning; Self-Regulated Learning; Student Evaluation of Teaching; Transactional Distance
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