Distance Education Along with Pedagogical and Psychological Assistance for SEN Students on the Example of the City of Gliwice
During the COVID-19 pandemic, students with special education needs, including students with disabilities, found themselves in a particularly vulnerable position. What raised concern was the organization of remote education for this group of students, the implementation of tasks in the field of psychological and pedagogical assistance, and the effective use of recommendations contained in documents (opinions, decisions on the need for special education, or individual educational and therapeutic programs). The period of the pandemic and closing schools posed new challenges for teachers in organizing education for this group of students and meeting their special and specific educational needs in the online mode. The
analyses presented in the article refer to the organization of remote education for students with special educational needs (SEN) and the organization of psychological and pedagogical assistance.
COVID-19 pandemic; distance education; special educational needs; students with special educational needs; psychological and pedagogical assistance; teachers at public schools
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Univesity of Silesia in Katowice Poland
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