The Development of Student Key Competencies while Studying Computer Science in Secondary School
a transition to a new humanistic paradigm of education as well as the results
of the PISA 2012 study “Creative Problem Solving.” Contradictions between
traditional skills and 21st century competencies of a school graduate are analyzed.
The article also discusses contradictions between social needs of a person with
a highly developed intellectual, spiritual and moral potential, and an insufficient
development of theoretical and methodological bases of the student’s key competence
development, as well as between the traditional methods of computer
science teaching and the necessity to solve problems during the educational process
supported by the use of ICT. The results of the application of ICT teaching methods
based on the principles of humane pedagogy are presented, and their effectiveness
is confirmed.
key competencies, reflexivity, humane pedagogy, personal development, ICT
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Kharkiv gymnasium # 14, Kharkiv technical studio “The inventor” Ukraine
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