Teaching in the Subject “Systems Interconnection” at Extremadura University
This work describes the teaching that is used in the subject of "Systems Interconnection" that is taught in the Higher Telecommunications Engineering of the University of Extremadura. Each of the sections that make up the subject are detailed, both the competences that the students will have as soon as they pass the subject, as well as the theoretical and practical contents taught therein. In addition, a summary is made of the teaching methodology used, the learning results, and finally ends detailing the evaluation methodology and above of all the academic results of the last courses, where an improvement in these results is observed, especially in the percentage of approved by reducing the sum of the percentages of unchanged and suspended.
teaching; telematics; engineers; higher education
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University of Extremadura Spain
Juan Arias Masa. Doctor in Education from the University of Extremadura. Computer Engineer from the University of Seville. Diploma in Computer Science from the University of Extremadura. Diploma in EGB Faculty from the University of Extremadura. Professor at the University of the Telematic Engineering area. Member of the Department of Computer Engineering and Telematic Systems of the University Center of Mérida, University of Extremadura, Mérida (Badajoz), Spain. It belongs to the CIBERDIDACT Research Group of the University of Extremadura (Spain).
University of Extremadura Spain
Rafael Martín Espada. Master in Research in Engineering and Architecture, University of Extremadura. Master in Bussines Administration from the National Distance Education University (UNED). M.S Degree in Telecommunications Engineering in the Superior Technical School of Telecommunications Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Madrid. Lecturer in Master´s degree in Telecommunications Engineering and in Batchelor´s degree in Bachelor Degree in Computing and Computer Engineering in the Superior Technical School of Cáceres, in the University of Extremadura. Member of the Computers and Telematics Systems Engineering Department. Belongs to research group CIBERDIDACT of the University of Extremadura
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