Swiss Synodality after the Second Vatican Council
Quod omnes tangit, ab omnibus tractari et approbari debent. (Cardinal Congar) The canonists have been developing the rule of law of Western Europe. After there had been much debate (Acts 15:7), they decided together with the Holy Spirit. The Apostolic Nuncio gave the permission for lay persons (including women) to participate at the Synod. Synod ’72 is a process involving seven synods of local Churches in Switzerland. As an instrument of “processing” Vatican II, Synod ’72 discussed implementation options like Ecclesiastical Offices of the local Church. (LG 33; Paul VI’s Ministeria quaedam; John Paul II’s Christifedles laici; c. 228 CIC 1983). The tradition of shared decision-making of the baptised was been activated.
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