Ut unum sint: New Areas of Spiritual and Pastoral Ecumenism
Care for Christian unity is part of the nature of the Church. Many years after the ecumenical movement began, signs of disappointment are appearing. The doctrinal dialogues and official meetings are still taking place, but spiritual and pastoral ecumenism is increasingly needed. It manifests itself not only in joint prayers but also in an actual exchange of spiritual gifts, pastoral inspirations and cooperation in many areas of the church and social life. New aspects of such ecumenism have appeared. They take the form of various spiritual trends going beyond the boundaries of churches and communities (prayers, music, spiritual gifts) as well as a search for sources and guidelines for spiritual life that other traditions can offer. In particular, the new shape of ecumenism may be seen in Evangelical and Pentecostal communities. Therefore, the broadly understood Catholic charismatic renewal has a special place in the work for Christian unity. People must walk together, accompany one another, be hospitable and work for the benefit of others. Only then can the Holy Spirit lead the followers of Christ to unity.
spiritual and pastoral ecumenism; Evangelical spirituality; Pentecostal spirituality; charismatic renewal
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University of Silesia in Katowice Poland
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