The Importance of the Principles of Social Coexistence for Divorce in the Context of Cultural and Social Changes. A Polish Perspective


Cultural and social changes may affect the methodology adopted by the courts at a certain time in interpreting and applying the law, in particular provisions containing general clauses. These clauses make the law more flexible, enabling it to adapt to changing conditions. They are treated as a kind of “safety valve” to avoid solutions that are unjust, or ethically and morally unacceptable in society. From this perspective, this article will consider the significance of the general clause of the principles of social coexistence in adjudicating a divorce from the perspective of Polish law. The purpose of this article is to answer the question whether, and in what direction, the cultural and social changes that may be taken into account through the general clause of Article 56 of the Family and Guardianship Code affect the dissolution of a marriage by divorce, namely whether or not they hinder the pronouncement of a divorce where the other prerequisites for divorce are met.


divorce; divorce rates; general clauses; principles of social coexistence; interpretation; family law; cultural and social context

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Published : 2023-06-25

Ewa Rott-Pietrzyk
University of Silesia in Katowice  Poland

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