What Can Be Said about the Condition of the Contemporary Polish Family in the Light of Annulment of Marriage in the Catholic Church? The Research Findings


The study of the condition of marriage and family is an essential task of science. This is because the results of this research can be of great importance for the direction and shape of actions taken by secular and Church authorities to protect and for the development of society. This article presents the results of research on contemporary marriage and family in Poland. This research uses an innovative method of obtaining data on marriages as a result of quantitative and qualitative surveys conducted among people who have decided to obtain a declaration of nullity of their marriage in the Catholic Church.


marriage; family; nullity of marriage; divorce; family condition

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Published : 2023-06-25

Przemysław Kisiel 
Cracow University of Economics  Poland
Piotr Kroczek  piotr.kroczek@gmail.com
The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow  Poland
Paweł Ulman 
Cracow University of Economics  Poland

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