The use of digital technologies in education: the case of physics learning


The article reveals the trends in the use of digital technologies in teaching physics by summarizing scientific results over the past 20 years. To solve the problem, a bibliographic analysis of the sources of the scientometric database of the WOS was used with the involvement of the computer tool VOSviewer (for the construction and visualization of bibliographic data) as of June 2023. The tool was used to analyse publications by keywords (a network of connections is built on the basis of all keywords of given publications). Networks of connections of keywords were built according to the queries: “physics learning”, “physics education”, “physics teaching” and “technologies”, as well as “digital technologies in teaching physics”, “physics application”, “mobile physics learning”, “virtual physics laboratory”, “digital physics laboratory”, “virtual reality & physics”, “augmented reality & physics”. The landscape of the use of digital technologies in teaching physics is characterized by four aspects (general, technological, educational-motivational, educational-organizational). Modern trends in teaching physics are singled out: the use of environments where simulation, modelling, visualization, virtualization of physical processes, etc. are possible; increasing popularity of virtual, augmented and mixed reality tools; use of mobile applications for learning physics; using artificial intelligence to teach physics; organization of an educational environment based on mobile or online learning, where active learning methods are determined to be appropriate. The importance of developing young people's intellectual skills (computational skills, algorithmic thinking skills, modelling processes, etc.) and visual thinking for the successful mastery of various sections of physics has been confirmed. The demand for integration links between natural sciences, mathematics, engineering, and digital technologies for STEM education has been monitored. Recommendations for the training of physics teachers have been formulated.    


digital technologies; teaching physics; learning physics; physics education; physics teacher; teacher training; professional preparation

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Published : 2023-10-26

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Artem Yurchenko 
Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A. S. Makarenko  Ukraine
Volodymyr Proshkin
Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University  Ukraine
Olha Naboka 
Donbas State Pedagogical University  Ukraine
Volodymyr Shamonia 
Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A. S. Makarenko  Ukraine
Olena Semenikhina 
Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A. S. Makarenko  Ukraine

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