Chellanges for Youth Resulting from the Internet Use a Reflection on the Example of Two Secondary Schools: in Pszczyna and in Český Těšín


The Internet these days has endless possibilities. It is used in virtually every human activity. The purpose of this article is not to demonize the Internet, but to examine various dimensions of how young people function in the virtual world. The goal is also to determine what negatives students face and what positives result from the use of this technology. The first part will be a presentation of the most important news in the field of new media, and in particular the characteristics of the Internet. Issues related to various aspects of Internet use will be addressed - from the psychological mechanisms of Internet use by young people, through media education and the dangers of various online activities, to the socio-practical phenomena occurring in the digital world. The knowledge gained through the theoretical part will form the basis for conducting empirical research. The purpose of the research will be to determine the importance of computer and Internet use in the lives of secondary school students. The results of this research, discussed together with their elaboration and the presentation of ways to counteract the threats and methods of positive use of the Internet, can be a valuable source of knowledge useful both in the pedagogical work of those involved in education and useful for parents, since they are most responsible for the education of their children in the use of media.


Internet; computer use; cyberbullying; youth media use

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Published : 2024-12-16

RumanN., & MruzekZ. (2024). Chellanges for Youth Resulting from the Internet Use a Reflection on the Example of Two Secondary Schools: in Pszczyna and in Český Těšín. International Journal of Research in E-Learning, 1-27.

Natalia Maria Ruman
University of Silesia in Katowice  Poland
Zdenek Mruzek 
Albrechtova Stredni Szkoła in Český Těšín  Czechia

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