The aim of this study was to compare personality profiles of groups of voters varying in ideological and political preferences. A six-dimensional model of personality (HEXACO) and lexical approach to the study of personality structure were used. The results showed that lower Agreeableness and higher Conscientiousness distinguished right-wing voters from other groups. Lower Extraversion characterized the group of voters who did not establish their ideological preferences. The group of centrist voters did not show distinct individuality in respect to personality. Personality traits distinguishing supporters of PiS are characteristic of right-wing voters and traits distinguishing supporters of PO are characteristic of left-wind voters but both groups of voters were similar in relatively high Conscientiousness. The results of the research showed some personality traits which characterized supporters of PSL, RP and SLD.
The present article presents results of research conducted with the working assumption that voters perceive political parties in terms of traits characteristics for people, giving them a unique identity. Research was focused on defining the „personality" of a perfect political party; voters were asked about desired intensity of certain characteristics in such imagined perfect political entity. The taxonomy of traits presented to the respondents used the HEXACO model, by Kibeom Lee and Michael C. Aschton, which refers to a six-dimensional personality structure. The authors distinguished the following personality factors in the model: Honesty, Emotionality, Extraversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness and Openness to Experience.
Social security has become in recent years an important element in the discourse about the quality of life on individualism and social group. Can not be successful introduction of social security without development elements, even in the from of human capital. This however has a poor design possibilities, if the public is desprived of the Community dimension of security, which is an integral part of social capital.
The main thesis of the article assumes, that honesty and effectivenes or eficacy are complementary values of political action. This claim is still valid especially in conemporary normative political theory. Meanwhile, the results of empirical research shows, that voters perceive voters both of these features, as the contradictions of political action. The author analyzes the key reasons of this contradiction and indicates the conditions of its limitations.
The main aim of this paper is the analysis of the opinions of the Polish society on the European integration process and introduction of the euro currency in Poland. The research problem seems to be very interesting due to the fact that before and few years after the Polish accession to the EU, people's attitudes towards integration and European currency were very enthusiastic. The opinions of Polish electorate had radically changed by the end of 2008, when the Poles began to feel the negative results of the economic slowdown caused by the global financial crisis. The analysis was made in the context of party preferences in Poland and the data cover three periods: December 2004, December 2008 and the last quarter of 2012.
The paper focuses both on results of own reseach (national poll conducted in Poland) and results of other polls concerning perception of the impact of the crisis in Poland. The results were analyzed in terms of correlation between political preferences (both partisan and ideological) and perceived severity of the crisis in Poland, as well as relationship between political preferences and seeing the EU as cause of the crisis in Poland, or at least reason behind growing seriousness of its signs in Poland.
A vast array of other polls - both national and European (mainly euro- barometer, but not only), as well as global - were analyzed, to verify whethere opinions of the Poles changed over time, and how they place in comparison with views of other nations. Overall, the Poles seem less pessimistic regarding the crisis than other nations, mainly due to comparatively better economic outlook, and their opinion on Polish membership in the EU remains very strongly positive. A significant percentage of respondents blamed - at least in part - EU for the crisis, but it did not translate into negative view on EU accession overall.
This article is an attempt to describe the social reception of United Poland (Solidarna Polska) - the new party on Polish political scene founded by former Minister of Justice Zbigniew Ziobro. The authors have tried to answer the question whether this new political initiative can reach the relevant position in Polish party system.
The first part of article includes the most popular theoretical models referring to emergence of new political parties and their impact on party system. The other part presents the main issues connected with United Poland: the genesis of this party, the political program and the marketing strategy.
It has been an introduction to show the results of our research on the social reception of United Poland. According to the research, only a small number of voters believe in success this new party. The most of Polish electorate think that United Poland cannot develop the coherent marketing strategy and their political program cannot be distinguished from parties with parliamentary representation.