On Non-Native Speaker E-mail Communication from a Genre Perspective


The author has investigated a corpus of informal email messages produced by post intermediate Czech learners of English. The method of analysis draws upon Biber & Conrad (2009) employing primarily a qualitative analysis as part of the author´s dissertation. First of all, the paper touches upon such descriptive terms as style, register and genre. Secondly, the paper presents the results of an analysis of genre features including deviations. In the concluding part, the article outlines implications for practice.


genre; register; style; second-language writer

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Published : 2016-06-25

PikhartJ. (2016). On Non-Native Speaker E-mail Communication from a Genre Perspective. Theory and Practice of Second Language Acquisition, 2(1). Retrieved from https://journals.us.edu.pl/index.php/TAPSLA/article/view/3938

Jan Pikhart  jan.pikhart@seznam.cz
University of Prešov  Slovakia

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