The Socio-emotional Context of E-learning in Teachers’ Opinion
The article presents the research results on the socio-emotional context of distance learning from teachers’s perspective. The primary purpose of this study was to explore teachers’ experiences in primary, secondary, and vocational schools as they converted their classes to distance learning, and in a broader perspective, indicate difficulties resulting from the mediation of personal contacts.
The main research question was: What are teachers’ opinions related to relationships and their well-being connected with conducting remote classes? Based on the results of a diagnostic survey conducted in primary, secondary, and vocational schools in Silesia, Poland, it can be concluded that the well-being of teachers has worsened due to the need to stay at home and prolonged social isolation. The teachers also pointed to the deterioration of relationships with students and the loosening of ties in the classroom. The article ends with recommendations for improvements in distance learning.
remote learning; socio-emotional context of distance schooling; teachers’ well-being; class relationship
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