The Role of Information Technology in Ecological Education in the Context of Cooperation between High Schools from Poland, Austria and the Czech Republic


The main issue raised in the text is the protection of the natural environment and the issue of ecology in a multi-layered manner that compels spiritual and ethical considerations. Attention is paid to the problems of the Earth, the common home of all people, which is the object of human concern. There is also an important issue of integrated ecology - humanity and everything that surrounds it is a unity, and nature is not something separate. The role of education in shaping and awareness of possible international dialogue in the issue of re-established ecology is also underlined. True environmental protection is not an action aimed at completely stopping man's interference in nature and preserving it in an absolutely intact state, but a harmonious coexistence and joint development of a man together with the world around him. It is above all a new lifestyle, solidarity between people and the resulting new attitude to nature. Today, ecology is a call to the proper attitude of man towards the world around him.

The article is a summary of the work carried out under the project of three Schools cooperating with each other, which represent Poland, Austria and the Czech Republic. The aim of the project was to consider the importance of ecology in each country at high school level and to apply technology to implement this project.

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Published : 2020-12-29

RumanN., FingerM., SamptS., & MruzekZ. (2020). The Role of Information Technology in Ecological Education in the Context of Cooperation between High Schools from Poland, Austria and the Czech Republic. International Journal of Research in E-Learning, 6(2), 1-17.

Natalia Ruman
University of Silesia in Katowice  Poland
Martha Finger 
Kirchliche Pädagogische Hochschule Wien/Krems  Austria
Stephan Sampt 
Kirchliche Pädagogische Hochschule Wien/Krems  Austria
Zdenek Mruzek 
Albrechtova Střední Škola in Český Těšín  Czechia

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