Perspectives pour la linguistique : de la linguistique descriptive à la linguistique explicative

Wiesław Banyś


The text deals with one of the challenges of linguistics, which is to effectively combine description and explanation in linguistics.
It is necessary that linguistic theories are not only capable of adequately describing their object of study within their framework, but they must also have a suitable explanatory power.
Linguistics centred around the explanation of the why of the system is called here ‘explanatory’ or ‘non-autonomous’, in contrast to ‘descriptive’ or ‘autonomous’ linguistics, which is focused on the description of the system, the distinction being based on the difference in the objects of study, the goals and the descriptive and explanatory possibilities of the theories.
From the point of view presented here, a comprehensive study of language has three main components: a general theory of what language is, a resulting theory and description, which is a function of this theory, of how language is organised, functions and has evolved in the human brain, and an explanation of the properties of language found.
The explanatory value of a general linguistic theory is a function of various elements, among others, the quantity of the primitive elements of the theory adopted and the effectiveness of Ockham’s razor principle of simplicity. It is also a function of the quality of those elements which can be drawn not only from within the system, but also from outside the system becoming in this situation logically prior to the object under study.
In science, in linguistics, one naturally needs two types of approach, two types of linguistics, descriptive/autonomous and explanatory/non-autonomous, one must first describe reality in order to explain it. But it is also certain that since the aim of science is to explain in order to reach that higher level of scientificity above pure description, it is necessary that this aim be realized in different linguistic theories within different research programs, uniting descriptivist and explanatory approaches.


Descriptive linguistics; explanatory linguistics; autonomous linguistics; non-autonomous linguistics; linguistic autonomy; scientific explanation; descriptive adequacy; explanatory adequacy

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Publiée : 2021-11-10

Wiesław Banyś 
Université de Silésie, Katowice  Pologne

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En vertu de la licence Creative Commons Attribution, les utilisateurs peuvent partager (copier, distribuer et transmettre) et adapter (remixer, transformer et construire à partir du matériel) l'article à n'importe quelle fin, à condition de le marquer de la manière spécifiée par l'auteur ou le concédant de licence.

4. Co-auteurs

Si l'article a été cosigné avec d'autres auteurs, la personne qui soumet ce formulaire garantit qu'elle a été autorisée par tous les co-auteurs à signer cet accord en leur nom et s'engage à informer ses co-auteurs des termes de cet accord.

En tant que l'auteur du texte proposé, je déclare qu'en cas de retrait du texte du processus de publication non convenu avec le comité de rédaction et/ou l'éditeur de la revue par moi-même ou de son renvoi parallèle à un autre éditeur, je m'engage à couvrir tous les frais encourus par l'Université de Silésie dans le cadre de la procédure de ma soumission (y compris, entre autres, les frais de publication des revues).