Zofia Kozarynowa: the role of an academic teacher in the development of Polish studies in Italy

Krystyna Jaworska


The paper deals with some relevant aspects of the role played by the writer Zofia Kozarynowa in the development of Polish studies at the University of Turin in the interwar period, where she was sent by the Polish Ministry of Education as an exchange language teacher and where she assisted the Turin scholars Maria and Marina Bersano Begey and especially Clotilde and Cristina Garosci in their translation and research work. The contribution of Zofia Kozarynowa, seen as part of the activities of promotion of the knowledge of the Polish culture in Italy supported by the Polish authorities, and for which Roman Pollak was responsible, is reconstructed on the basis of Kozarynowa’s and other authors’ writings, as well as on the basis of unpublished archival sources.


Zofia Kozarynowa; Polish studies; interwar Italy; Polish culture

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Published : 2021-05-28

JaworskaK. (2021). Zofia Kozarynowa: the role of an academic teacher in the development of Polish studies in Italy. Fabrica Litterarum Polono-Italica, (3), 97-113. https://doi.org/10.31261/FLPI.2021.03.07

Krystyna Jaworska 
University of Turin  Italy

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