On glorious mother, beardless John and blind princess, or Bettina von Arnim’s imaginary worlds

Nina Nowara-Matusik


The article presents three fairy tales by Bettina von Arnim: Der Königssohn [The King’s Son], Die blinde Königstochter [The Blind Princess] and Hans ohne Bart [Beardless Hans]. These texts are studied from the point of view of their poetics and their rootedness in the romantic worldview. Moreover, on the example of Der Königssohn fairy tale, an attempt is made at feminist interpretation, while Hans ohne Bart is read using psychoanalytic tools.


fairy tale; Bettina von Arnim; romanticism; feminist criticism; psychoanalysis

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Published : 2018-12-27

Nowara-MatusikN. (2018). On glorious mother, beardless John and blind princess, or Bettina von Arnim’s imaginary worlds. Wortfolge. Szyk Słów, (2), 71-83. https://doi.org/10.31261/WSS.2018.02.04

Nina Nowara-Matusik 
University of Silesia in Katowice  Poland

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