A generalized version of the Lions-type lemma

Magdalena Chmara


In this short paper, I recall the history of dealing with the lack of compactness of a sequence in the case of an unbounded domain and prove the vanishing Lions-type result for a sequence of Lebesgue-measurable functions. This lemma generalizes some results for a class of Orlicz-Sobolev spaces. What matters here is the behavior of the integral, not the space.


Lions-type result; concentration-compactness; unbounded domains

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Published : 2023-08-28

ChmaraM. (2023). A generalized version of the Lions-type lemma. Annales Mathematicae Silesianae, 37(2), 240-247. Retrieved from https://journals.us.edu.pl/index.php/AMSIL/article/view/15880

Magdalena Chmara  magdalena.chmara@pg.edu.pl
Wydział Fizyki Technicznej i Matematyk Stosowanej, Politechnika Gdańska  Poland

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