The theme and the priorities of the IJREL reflect the conceptual principles underlying the modernization of education and the reform of the educational systems in European countries, as well as national development strategies for the XXI century. One of the European Union’s key educational objectives is the provision of equal opportunities for all with regard to access to learning and knowledge, regardless of gender, financial and physical ability, and place of residence. That is why, distance learning has now been granted a status of high priority. If introduced on a wide scale, distance learning and teaching may make a significant contribution towards the achievement of educational goals in member states.
The Faculty of Ethnology and Sciences of Education (since 2019 The Faculty of Arts and Educational Sciences) at the University of Silesia, Poland has extensive experience in the implementation of distance learning in other departments across the university. The Faculty’s Distance Learning Platform operates smoothly and continues to expand as well as the international scientific conference Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Distance Learning ( is designed to bring together all those involved in e-learning – university students, faculty staff, and educators – to explore and share experiences with e-learning and distance learning, both at home and abroad. The partners and the co-organizers of the previous editions conference 2009-2013 includes the University of Ostrava (Czech Republic), Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica (Slovakia), Silesian University in Opava (Czech Republic), Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra (Slovakia), which are also involved in many activities in the field of e-learning and ICT in frame in particular a together project “E-learning as a road to communicating in the multicultural environment”, supported by International Visegrad Foun (IVF). Among our participants also were researchers and scientists from different countries.
Strengthening and widening international cooperation resulted a starting a next international scientific project IRNet International Research Network for study and development of new tools and methods for advanced pedagogical science in the field of ICT instruments, e-learning and intercultural competences (, Project financed by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme, within the Marie Curie Actions International Research Staff Exchange Scheme (2014-2017) with participating 10 Universities from 9 countries: University of Silesia in Katowice (US), Poland, (Coordinator)), University of Twente (UT, The Netherlands), University of Extremadura (Uex, Spain), Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra (UKF, Slovakia), Lisbon Lusíada University (LU, Portugal), University of Ostrava (OU, Czech Republic), Curtin University in Perth (CU, Australia), Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University (BGKU, Ukraine), Dniprodzerzhinsk State Technical University (DSTU, Ukraine), Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, St. Petersburg (HSPU, Russian Federation). And because among authors of the papers of International Journal of Research in Elearning the authors in particular from West, Central as well as East Europe and Australia.
The one of the main aim of IJREL is to present the state of e-learning, its progress and experienced obstacles in various countries of the world, ranging from Australia and Western Europe to Central Europe, Eastern Europe and Asia.
We have great pleasure to inform you that the International Journal of Research in E-learning IJREL ( received a positive evaluation by Ministry of Science and Higher Education and was awarded the Ministerial grant (WCN IJREL 2019-2020) and 100 points according to the last scoring list of journals MNIE ( I do congratulate all Authors and we would like to express my gratitude to all Reviewers as well as Members of the Programme and Editorial Committees!
International Journal of Research in E-learning IJREL
Double Blind Review journal (more)
All issues of the journal are published under Creative Commons license. Archival issues (2015-2017), originally published in a different version, were also published under the Creative Common license by the Publishing College of the University of Silesia in 2019.
The journal does not charge any fees for publication.
The journal is a joint property of the University of Silesia Publishing House and the Alumni Association of the University of Silesia in Katowice.
Application of AI Technologies in STEAM School Education
Student’s Well-Being in the E-School Environment: Selected Research Results
Distance Learning – the Current Status and Directions for Further Research
E-learning for Prisoners. Experience from Sweden, Norway, Poland, Finland and Germany
Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Colleagues,
I am pleased to inform you kindly about the publication of the next volume of the International Journal of Research in E-learning (IJREL, 100 points MEN, indexed in Erih+, DOAJ, MIAR, EBSCO, IndexCopernicus and other 10 databases) Issue 9 (1) 2023 available in electronic version at:
We would like to thank all Authors, Reviewers, and Editors for their important contributions and efforts! Thank you very much for your cooperation and support and looking forward to the successful continuation.
We kindly invite you to submit articles for publication. Articles are accepted permanently. In preparation volumes 9(2) 2023 and 10(1) 2024 (
Thank you for your interest in the publication, your contribution, and the promotion of IJREL in your academic environment.
With best regards,
Eugenia Smyrnova-Trybulska
Editor-in-Chief of IJREL
on behalf of the IJREL Editorial Board
Dear Researchers, Dear Authors,
I am pleased to announce that the International Journal of Research in E-learning (IJREL) got obtained a score - 70 points for the list of scoring journals recommended by the Minister of Education and Science of Poland on December 1, 2021: reviewed-materials-from-international-conferences
IJREL indexed in a lot of scientific databases, e.g.:
The Central and Eastern European Online Library CEEOL
Academic Research Index
Google Scholar
Polska Bibliografia Naukowa
Journal Factor
OAJI (Open Academic Journals Index)
ESJI (Eurasian Scientific Journal Index)
We also expect a positive evaluation and indexing IJREL in WoS
We would like to thank all Authors, Reviewers, and Editors for their important contributions and efforts!
Thank you very much for your cooperation and support!
We expect further interest and invite all researchers, experts in the area of e-learning, Ph.D. Students, tutors, teachers to your publications in IJREL. Invite you kindly for promotion of your research results in the area of e-learning via publication in the International Journal of Research in E-learning. Thank you also for promotion IJREL in social media, ResearchGate, and adding the links to the full your text on the IJREL website (
We wish you good health and good luck!
With kind regards,
Eugenia Smyrnova-Trybulska
on behalf of the IJREL Editorial Board
Dear Authors, Dear Colleagues,
We invite you kindly to partake in a submission of articles to IJREL Vol. 8. Issue 1 (2022) (the final deadline is September 30, 2021). We hope on your interest of publications the manuscripts in International Journal of Research in E-learning (40 points according Ministerial scoring of the scientific journals).
Thank you in advance for dissemination IJREL journal in your academic environment and your support in our submitting to indexing in presigeouse scientific databases.
Thank you so much for your cooperation.
Best regards,
Eugenia Smyrnova-Trybulska
Editor-in-Chief IJREL
on behalf of International Scientific Committee
and Editorial Board
Dear Authors, Dear Colleagues,
I am glad inform you kindly about publishing the next IJREL Issue 6(1) 2020 in Online First mode available at:
Thank you all Authors, Reviewers, Editors for your important contribution and effort!
Thank you so much for your cooperation and support!
The next IJREL Issue 6(2) 2020 should be published in close month yet in January 2021. We are sorry for delay.
We wish you a Happy New Year 2021 and a lot of health, prosperity, joy, any academic and private success!
With kind regards,
Eugenia Smyrnova-Trybulska
on behalf of IJREL Editorial Boards
Vol 10 No 1 (2024)
Publikováno: 2024-11-05