The Space and the Spatial Objects in the Works of Scholem Aleichem and F.M. Reshetnikov (Kasrilovka vs The Podlipnayans)


The article deals with the issues of widely understood spaces and spatial objects which have some
associative/emotional potential. These objects appear in the two texts mentioned above. Among these objects the central place is the house as well as the cemetery. These spaces were described and divided in a very close connection with the house and they are as follows: 1. The house space, 2. The nearby house space, 3. The outer/off space. The comparison of these two literary texts gives a contrastive image of the space and spatial objects typical for the two ethnic groups described in both texts. These groups are the Komi-Zyryans (The Podlipnayans) and the Diaspora (Kasrilovka). These commumities used to live in the lands of the Russian Empire.


the space; the spatial objects; house; cemetery; city; (little)town; village

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Published : 2022-12-13

Walczak, Maciej. 2022. “The Space and the Spatial Objects in the Works of Scholem Aleichem and F.M. Reshetnikov (Kasrilovka Vs The Podlipnayans)”. Iudaica Russica, no. 2(9) (December), 1-17.

Maciej Walczak
University of Silesia in Katowice  Poland

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