Publié: 2022-12-20

Étude des prédicats nominaux dans le lexique de la perception visuelle

Aude Grezka Logo ORCID


In this paper, I analyse the noun forms derived from the prototypical verbs of visual perception, see and look. The descriptors used to process verbal polysemy must prepare the correspondence between verb classes and noun classes. This involves indicating whether perception verbs have nouns as associated forms. I also show that if the predicates and arguments are fundamental for the interpretation of the sentence, the actualizers are fundamental for its grammaticalization. The actualization will condition the reading of the nominal predicate. I show how this actualization will allow us to elaborate classes of predicates and thus to renew the approaches of polysemy.

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Règles de citation

Grezka, A. (2022). Étude des prédicats nominaux dans le lexique de la perception visuelle. Neophilologica, 34, 1–36.

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Vol. 34 (2022)
Publié: 2023-04-14

ISSN: 0208-5550
eISSN: 2353-088X
Ikona DOI 10.31261/NEO

Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego | University of Silesia Press

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